Offered Capacities - Thermal Year 2020-2021
Offered Storage Capacities
The Overall Space for storage service offered for the Thermal Year 2020-2021 is equal to 9,360,000,000 kWh (equivalent to around 885 MScm @ PCS 10.57275 kWh/Scm) as detailed below:
- space for Peak Modulation Storage: 8,725,000,000 kWh (equivalent to around 825 MScm @ PCS 10.57275 kWh/Scm): auction on March, 16th 2020;
- space for Modulation Storage of Punte Costanti: 635,000,000 kWh (equivalent to around 60 MScm @ PCS 10.57275 kWh/Scm): auction on March, 20th 2020.
Edison Stoccaggio, following Resolution Aeeg 149/2012/R/GAS does not provide strategic storage service and make available approximately a volume of 140 MScm as strategic reserve.
The overall space offered is ca. 1025 MScm @ PCS 10.57275 kWh/Scm.
Offered capacities - Thermal Year 2019-2020
Capacity in advance available:
Capacity in Advance: offers of reduction can be edited in the dedicated page on Escomas within 8:30 pm of the Auction Day
See the guide to fill in the data of reduction when Capacity in Advance is available
Capacity in Advance available for gas day 5 and 6 March, reduction gas day 7 and 8 March
Capacity in Advance available for gas day 20 and 21 February, reduction gas day 22 and 23 February
Capacity in Advance available for gas day 13 and 14 February, reduction gas day 15 and 16 February
Capacity in Advance available for gas day 6 and 7 February, reduction gas day 8 and 9 February
Capacity in Advance available for gas day 30 and 31 January, reduction gas day 1 and 2 February
Capacity in Advance available for gas day 23 and 24 January, reduction gas day 25 and 26 January
Capacity in Advance available for gas day 16 and 17 January, reduction gas day 18 and 19 January