Overall space offered: 9,360,000,000 kWh (885 MScm @ PCS 10.57275 kWh/Scm), as detailed below:
- space for Peak Modulation Storage: 8,725,000,000 kWh (ca. 825 MScm @ PCS 10.57275 kWh/Scm);
- space for Modulation Storage of Punte Costanti: 635,000,000 kWh (ca. 60 MScm @ PCS 10.57275 kWh/Scm).
Performances and profiles of the storage services offered are published at the page Operational communication.
Forms to partecipate to assignment procedures is available at the page Forms.
Clients who do not yet have credentials to access to the Escomas IT platform can register themselves at following link: http://www.edisonstoccaggio.it/en/escomas
Escomas IT platform is the olny dashboard which through:
- Needed documents are to be uploaded for the auctions to participate (originals have to be delivered as prcedure declares);
- Request of assignment capacity is to be fill in.
Edison Stoccaggio publishes the Procedure for booking request for Storage Modulation Service of Peak Modulation for thermal year 2019-2020 in accordance with Ministerial Decree D.M. 15 febbraio 2019 issued by Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico and ARERA Resolution 67/2019/R/GAS.