Quality Of The Service

Operational Communication - Thermal Year 2020-2021

Capacities Offered

Peak Modulation Service - performances - Thermal Year 2020-2021 

Peak Modulation Service - monthly stock level for calculation of Ru factor - Thermal Year 2020-2021 

Modulation Service of Punte Costanti - performances - Thermal Year 2020-2021 

Real Guarantee to Third Parties

Edison Stoccaggio publishes the maximum percentage of gas in storage which can be used as real guarantee to third parties; rules are published at chapters 5.9.4 and 5.9.5 of Code of storage. The formats are available at Forms.

Comunication related to T.Y. 2020-2021

Operational Communication - Thermal Year 2019-2020

Edison Stoccaggio makes available the information about Peak Modulation Service and Modulation Service of Punte Costanti.

Capacities offered

Peak Modulation Service - performances

Peak Modulation Service - monthly stock level for calculation of Ru factor

Modulation Service of Punte Costanti - performances

Estimate the cost of electricity and of self-consumptions