Operational Communication

Forms - Thermal Year 2020-2021


This section contains the forms to be used in communications with Edison Stoccaggio pertaining to the operating processes provided in the Storage Code.

Assignment At The Start Of The Thermal Year 2020-2021

Edison Stoccaggio will publish the forms for booking request for 2020-2021 in accordance with provisions that will be issued by Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico and Autorità di Regolazione per Energia Reti e Ambiente.

Declaration of powers for auctions

Storage Contract

Booking form for auction

Guarantees to be presented after assignment

Request to access to the ESCOMAS IT System

Through the following link, users can download the operating manual to apply for the creation of a request to access the ESCOMAS IT system. The request will be submitted to the Sales Department of Edison Stoccaggio for approval.

Download the user manual for access to ESCOMAS

Assignment of short term Capacities

Partecipation to short term auctions (ref. Annex A to deliberation ARERA 67/2019/R/gas) is regulated under Chapter 5.9.2 of Code of storage and requires subscribing of Declaration of power and Contract and delivering of Guarantee to cover purchase requests.

Short Term Modulation service (montly, weekly, day-ahead auctions)

  • Declaration of powers of representation: declaration
  • Contract for Short Term Modulation service: fac simile contratto
  • Bank guarantee: fac-simile modulo fidejussione
  • Parent company’s letter of guarantee: fac-simile modulo lettera di garanzia
  • Insurance policy: fac-simile modulo polizza assicurativa

Capacity And/Or Gas Transactions

Capacity and/or Gas transactions are regulated under Chapter 7 of Code of storage.

Request to Transfer and/or exchange capacity and/or gas: request form

Real Guarantee to Third Parties

Edison Stoccaggio publishes the maximum percentage of gas in storage which can be used as real guarantee to third parties, following articles 5.9.4 and 5.9.5 of Code of Storage. Document related to T.Y. 2020-2021

The formats are available below:

Forms - Thermal Year 2019-2020

Assignment at the start of the Thermal Year 2019-2020

Edison Stoccaggio publishes the forms for booking request for 2019-2020 in accordance with Ministerial Decree D.M. 15 febbraio 2019 issued by Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico and ARERA resolution 67/2019/R/Gas.

Access Procedures